Bid evaluation to determine CIL’s imported coal supply move
11 Apr 2014
April 11: The board of directors of Coal India Limited (CIL) will take a call on whether to supply imported coal to its power sector consumers based on the outcome of the evaluation process being carried out at present.
A senior official of the company told ICMW: "We are currently evaluating the single bid (received from MMTC) to appoint an agency to bring in imported coal. It is likely to take some time."
CIL had re-tendered a notice inviting tender (NIT) for appointing an agency to bring in imported coal in January and MMTC had emerged the lone bidder when the tender was opened on March 6.
Meanwhile, the company has received a positive response from prospective customers of imported coal.
"We have received firm commitment for imported coal from quite a few customers, Mahagenco, for instance, among state generators," the official said.
"In addition, companies like Nabha Power, Emco, CESC (for its Budge Budge plant), Chandrapura and Sterlite have recently indicated they are willing to buy imported coal from us," the official added.
"They have not given any advance to us so far, but that stage will come only after the board takes a final call," the official said.
The NIT for appointing the agency is being evaluated. It will go to the board and will take some time, the official added.