Brown coal to produce hydrogen in Latrobe Valley
11 Nov 2019
Last week marked an exciting venture in to the future with a significant pilot project launched at the Loy Yang Power Station where J-Power Latrobe Valley Pty Ltd (J-Power) will produce hydrogen from brown coal.This is an exciting undertaking which will reinforce alternative uses for brown coal as a substantial factor in our economy for years to come. The project is a partnership between Federal and State Governments, the Japanese Government, a consortium of reputable Japanese organisations and AGL.The pilot program will include the demonstration of brown coal gasification and gas-refining, hydrogen liquefaction, shipbuilding and operation of a specialised liquefied hydrogen carrier. It will also identify a possible future commercialisation pathway for a hydrogen supply chain to Japan.Innovative projects such as these add value to our significant resource of brown coal. Combined with carbon capture and storage they can ensure our region remains at the forefront of energy production and distribution, while tackling environmental issues.Mayor Latrobe City Council, Cr Dan Clancey explains “exploring new technologies and industries is vital for our community as we transition our economy.” “The uses of coal are wider than the traditional power generation that has served as the lynchpin of our economy. Latrobe City Council will continue to advocate for alternative low CO2 producing uses for carbon. This project is a great example of one of the alternative uses of our significant resource”.
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