China's greenhouse-gas output tops world total
07 May 2021
China's greenhouse-gas emissions in 2019 surpassed those of the United States and the developed world combined, according to an analysis published Thursday by the research firm Rhodium Group.
China's share of global emissions rose to 27% of the world's total, while the United States remained the second-largest emitter at 11%. India's share was third at 6.6%, edging the 27 nations in the European Union, which account for 6.4%, the report found.
China, India and other developing nations have long noted that over the past century, the United States and Europe grew their economies while generating large amounts of greenhouse gases, and that requiring the developing world to clamp down on emissions as they industrialize and raise millions of people to the middle class is unfair.
But with the effects from climate change intensifying and pressure growing for countries to do more to hit the targets of the Paris climate accord, the developed world has sought to make China, India and other developing nations a central part of the global push to restrict emissions for the sake of the planet. Those emissions include six key gases, as well as changes resulting from deforestation and land use.
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