Coal charging at newly constructed Coke Oven Battery No. 5at DSP
21 Jun 2016
A newly rebuilt Coke Oven Battery was brought back into production at the Coke
Ovens Complex of Durgapur Steel Plant (DSP) with the first charging of coal in the battery
on Monday. The battery is likely to add to DSP's overall coke output and improve the plant's production during the year.
"With the newly rebuilt Battery No. 5 joining the production stream, the coke production will improve, which will help in overall improvement
in plant production", AK Rath, CEO, DSP said.
The Coke Oven Battery No. 5 has a total number of 78 ovens in two blocks of 39 ovens each. Each oven has a volume of 23.8 cubic
meter, length 13.59 meter and height 4.45 meter. As a special feature, double gas collecting main has been introduced in the battery to
ensure improved recovery of valuable coke ovens gas from the battery, DSP said in a statement.
The battery was been reconstructed following pollution control norms like screwfeeding charging car, leak proof door, machine mounted
door & door frame cleaner, stationary hydrojet door cleaner, guide car with hood to reduce emissions.