Commodities: Iron ore, coal slump on emerging market fears
05 Feb 2014
Turmoil in emerging markets and nervousness about the Chinese economy rocked global bulk commodity prices last month, economists say.
Iron ore and coal were the hardest hit. Thermal coal prices out of Newcastle fell 8.4 per cent last month, and premium hard coking coal from Queensland dropped 5 per cent, data from Platts showed. Iron ore fell 8.4 per cent.
In comparison, the IMF primary commodity price index fell 1.9 per cent. Copper and aluminum eased modestly, while lead, nickel and zinc rose, HSBC data showed.
The weaker Australian dollar limited losses for exporters. The price index fell 1.1 per cent in local currency terms, HSBC chief economist Paul Bloxham said.
Although weakening coal prices have been partly attributed to seasonally weak steel production and the Chinese New Year break, Mr Bloxham said concerns about a potential slowdown in emerging markets had also been a factor.
Thermal coal, the cheapest fuel used to generate electricity, is closely linked to the industrialisation of emerging economies such as India and Turkey, which have cut orders in US-dollar traded coal imports as their currencies weaken. ''The nervousness in the emerging markets is having an impact on commodity markets,'' Mr Bloxham said. But he expected commodity prices to stabilise, and was confident Beijing's reform measures would generate sustainable growth.
Mr Bloxham said China, the world's biggest importer of coal, had ''on average fairly low levels of development'', which would support bulk commodity prices.
''They still have a lot more industrialisation and urbanisation yet to happen and that's going to continue to see strong medium-term demand for hard commodities.
''I don't think hard commodity prices will go back to the peak levels that we saw in 2011. But on the flipside, we think they will stay much higher [than] in the '80s and 1990s.''
But the outlook, particularly for coal, wasn't as clear for NAB senior economist Gerard Burg.
He said an expansion in China's rail capacity could weaken the country's demand for seaborne coal, particularly considering that China is also the world's biggest coal producer.
''Domestic rail capacity has been insufficient to completely supply coal, which is largely produced in the northern and western provinces, to the fast-growing coastal regions,'' Mr Burg said. ''These constraints have impacted on the competitiveness of domestic coal against imported material, which despite the cost of seaborne freight has frequently been cheaper than domestic coal.''
China's rail capacity grew 2.6 per cent last year, and the railways transported 2.3 billion tonnes of coal, Mr Burg said. By December, the growth rate had risen to 3.4 per cent year-on-year.
Mr Burg said the expansion plans could add about 860 million tonnes of mine capacity by 2015.
''There is no guarantee that China represents a long-term growing market for major coal exporters, particularly for lower-rank thermal coal,'' he said. ''That said, pollution concerns could lead to substitution away from Indonesian brown coal in favour of [the] higher-quality Australian product.''