Common rail corridor proposed for Rampia coal block
09 Oct 2013
October 9: The Odisha government has proposed a plan to develop a common rail corridor for the Rampia coal block with equity participation from the Odisha Industrial Infrastructure Development Corporation (IDCO) and Mahanadi Coalfields Ltd, media reports said.
The Rampia and dip side Rampia coal block in the Ib valley area was allocated in 2008 jointly to six firms – Lanco Power, Sterlite Energy, GMR Energy, ArcelorMittal, Navabharat Power and Reliance Infrastructure Ltd. The co-allocatees had formed a special purpose vehicle (SPV) called Rampia Coal Mine & Energy Ltd to develop the coal block.
MCL has been appointed the lead member to formulate the common alignment plan of the proposed rail corridor in such a manner that will ensure minimum human displacement and less diversion of forest land.
The coal block is set to cater to the coal-fired thermal power plants of Sterlite Energy (2,400 MW) at Burkhamunda near Jharsuguda, GMR Energy (1,400 MW) at Kamalanga (Dhenkanal), Lanco Power (1,000 MW) at Dhenkanal and Reliance Infrastructure (1,000 MW) at Jharsuguda.