Farmers tell of Alpha coal mine fears
25 Oct 2013
Farmers and environmentalists are in a David and Goliath battle to stop a mega coal mine, part-owned by Australia's richest woman Gina Rinehart, from proceeding in Queensland.
A challenge to the multi-billion dollar Alpha coal mine, the Galilee Basin, is drawing to a close in the Land Court of Queensland.
Opponents are challenging approvals for the project, arguing it will contribute to climate change and have "permanent and irreversible" effects on ground water.
Cattle farmer Janeice Anderson's property is depended on ground water.
She says levels are projected to fall by up to five metres within a 10 kilometre radius of the mine over its 30-year life span.
She has told the court her property will border the Alpha mine and will also be surrounded by Indian conglomerate GVK's Kevin's Corner coal mine, and Clive Palmer's China First coal project.
She said there'd been no cumulative study on all the mines' final impact on groundwater.
"We are between a rock and a hard place," she told the court on Friday.
"How the loss of ground supplies will be made good or compensated for is a devastating and ever increasing concern for us and our children's future.
"Once the aquifers are dewatered and depressurised, there will be no remediating."
Cattle farmer Bruce Currie's property lies just northwest of the proposed Alpha open-cut mine, which is expected to the largest in Australia.
"Why have we not been provided security over our ground water supplies?" he told the court.
"The permanent and irreversible impact on ground water has placed a huge burden of uncertainty on properties."
The Alpha project is 79 per cent owned by GVK and 21 per cent owned by Rinehart's Hancock Coal.
The central Queensland project is scheduled to be up and running in 2016, and will export 32 million tonnes of coal a year.
Environmentalist Kathryn Kelly says the mine should not proceed because of its impacts on climate change.
She told the court that if 10 mines proposed for the Galilee Basin went ahead, they would produce the equivalent of more than 700,000 million tonnes of carbon dioxide a year, at full production.
"This would exhaust the carbon budget in a flash," she said.
"This is a decision of global importance."
Barrister Adrian Finanzio QC, who represents community group Coast and Country, pleaded with the Land Court to stand in the way of the mine and a state government that was "feverishly" approving leases.
He argued the court could not be satisfied that an approval would result in ecologically sustainable development or that it was in the public interest.
"In many ways approval processes more often than not (are) heavily weighted towards that party who is doing the proposal," he told the court.
"Often one side of the story is certainly never ever tested in the kind of ways that a court like this contest.
"This court is the gatekeeper, the check and balance.
"Where the court stands between effectively arms of government who are processing applications feverishly and its citizens."
The mine would span 64,700 hectares, which is roughly 25 times the size of the City of Sydney, figures provided by Coast and Country show.
About 22,500 hectares of vegetation will be cleared, the equivalent of 27,000 soccer fields.
Coast and Country also said 176 billion litres of water would be removed in 30 years, which was about enough to keep a tap running for 22,000 years.