First central co-ordination panel meet to weigh critical issues
06 Jan 2014
January 6: The first meeting of the Central Co-ordination Committee, to be held under the chairmanship of the Coal Secretary, on January 7, will discuss key issues plaguing the coal sector.
According to an official release from the Ministry of Coal, coal issues linked to the Department of Industrial Policy & Promotion (DIPP) will be discussed. These will include issues sanction of long-term coal linkages for expansion/new capacities and resolution of pending cases, reclassification of cement sector as core, suggestions for improved availability of indigenous coal, among a host of other issues.
Issues which had been placed by the Ministry of Power for discussion will include setting timelines for different stages of approval. It has been seen that the development of coal blocks is getting delayed on account of a variety of reasons. Obtaining necessary clearances from various ministries and state governments has been taking a lot of time. Issues in particular that will be focused on include approval of mining plan, grant of prior approval for mining lease, timely earmarking of boundary for coal block/settlement of boundary dispute by CMPDIL among others.
Apart from suggestions by other government departments, the panel will also weigh issues put forward by ASSOCHAM, FIMI and others.