Glencore's Oaky Creek coal mine achieved certification for its progressive land rehabilitation
15 Mar 2021
A former open cut mine in Central Queensland has been transformed back to natural and productive land, following the success of an extensive rehabilitation program.
Located 90km North-west of Emerald in the heart of Queensland's Bowen Basin, Glencore's Oaky Creek coal mine has rehabilitated more than 133 hectares of land now verdant landscape with native vegetation.
The mine is now on track to being safely and sustainably passed on for the next land use.
Glencore's General Manager of Environment and Community, John Watson, said the certification covered two areas on the site that now supported native vegetation and had potential for cattle grazing.
"This is the fifth successful certification application in the past three years by a Glencore site in Queensland and the seventh across Glencore's Australian coal business," Mr Watson said.
"Achieving Government sign-off on these areas of rehabilitation is reward for many, many hours invested by our workforce in returning mined land to the agreed post-mining purposes."
Resources Minister Scott Stewart said areas of Glencore's Oaky Creek coal mine had achieved certification for its progressive land rehabilitation.
"In 2018 the Palaszczuk Government passed important mining rehabilitation legislation to ensure land no longer used for mining is returned to its original state, or better," Mr Stewart said.
"It is great to see companies like Glencore take on their rehabilitation responsibility with real enthusiasm and produce impressive results like we see here today.
"These rehabilitation programs help create more jobs for Queenslanders well after a mine is no longer in use."
Glencore has completed 10,375 ha of rehabilitation across its Queensland coal mines, equivalent to more than 17,000 football fields.
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