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India will be using and importing more coal

10 Nov 2014

State-owned Coal India Limited (CIL) is the world’s largest producer (465 million tonnes/year), but underperformance has the country moving toward imports and privatization. CIL’s output/employee/year has been around 1,200 tonnes, compared to over 10,000 tonnes in Australia. Capital expenditures for domestic assets this year were less than $800 million, in contrast to China’s Shenua Group, which spends a few billion dollars a year increasing coal production. It’s no wonder that India’s coal supplies and transportation systems are struggling to keep pace with surging demand, and more foreign coal are needed to fill the gap. Prime Minister Modi’s “Make in India” campaign will bring in foreign firms to build factories, expand economic growth, and elevate India’s living standards, still among the lowest of the emerging markets. India’s real GDP/capita is just $1,700, versus $4,560 for the rest of the developing world.

The Need for Coal-Based Electricity

India is easily the most energy-deprived nation on Earth, with 1) 700 million lacking modern energy services, 2) 310 million lacking electricity, and 3) just a 700 kWh/capita/year electricity use rate (80% below the global average). India’s long-term demand for thermal coal stems from a massive coal-fired build out (Ultra Mega Power Plants, UMPP) that will deploy larger (capacities > 4,000 MW) and much more efficient (> 43% vs. 29% for subcritical) super/ultra-supercritical plants to reduce feed and emissions. Well more than half of new coal-based capacity for the 12th Five Year Plan (2012-2017) will deploy these advanced coal technologies. Cheaper, more reliable baseload coal power will help alleviate widespread electricity shortages that have been eroding the Indian economy by some $65 billion a year! Power Minister Goyal has coal playing an “essential role” in his $250 billion plan to provide “Power for All” by 2019. Per the International Energy Agency (IEA), coal is expected to rise from 43% of total energy supply today to 46% in 2020 and 51% in 2035, while maintaining its ~68% hold on electricity.

Importantly, India has watched neighbor China leverage coal power to lift 650 million people out of poverty since 1990, and sail past the global average for Human Development Index. Over that time, China’s per capita coal electricity use rate increased to 3,200 kWh, up from just 420 kWh in 1990. Wanting the same, India’s coal demand structure has evolved from 54% power generation in 1990 to 68% today, against 85% in the EU and 93% in the U.S. Since 2000, India’s coal power has nearly doubled to 800 TWh, while real GDP/capita doubled and Health Adjusted Life Expectancy increased 5 years to 58. India’s new modern coal plants are reducing SO2, NOx, and particulates and slash CO2 emissions by nearly 40%. And despite staggering energy poverty, India has impressively lowered its carbon intensity (on a PPP level) by ~17% since 2006 (when UMPP started), on par with EU progress. Indeed, environmental groups MUST realize that even under the IEA’s highly optimistic best-case policy projection for renewables (450 Scenario), wind and solar together will be just 8% of India’s electricity in 2020 and 17% in 2035. And even then, 20 years from now, Indians at most are expected to consume just 20% of WHAT AMERICANS CONSUME TODAY. Note: refrigerators are among the biggest consumers of electricity in homes, generally using more than the average Indian uses in total.

The Need for More Coal to Make Steel

Met (metallurgical) coal is used to produce coke which is critical in steelmaking. Indian steelmakers used ~40 million tonnes of met coal last year, and imports could more than triple to 110 million tonnes by 2025, while steel capacity also triples to 300 million tonnes. India’s needs for more met coal and steel arise from a rapid urbanization process that has population centers swelling by nearly 15 million people annually. India is still just 32% urbanized, compared to 52% in China and 82% in the U.S. Thus, India’s per capita steel use is still very low at 57 kg/year, versus 310 kg in the U.S. and 480 kg in China. Steel and Mines Minister Tomar wants to roll back the 2.5% customs duty on met coal to help the domestic steel industry. Global overcapacity has met coal markets at the bottom of the cycle, and the inevitable recovery is emerging (see here and here). Coal market watchers remember: 1) cities are built on electricity, steel, and cement (coal is the basis of all three) and 2) global cities are expanding by ~75 million people a year.

Coal Imports Will Continue to Boom

The IEA projects that India will be the world’s largest coal importer by 2020. India’s large reserves (5th globally at 61 million tonnes) should be tempered by a few factors:

India needs more capital intensive underground mining, which has stagnated from an over-focus on cheaper opencast mining. Underground mines account for 60% of CIL’s mines, but they only account for ~10% of the company’s total production, versus 95% in China, 40% in the U.S., and 28% in Australia.

Technical and institutional problems have restricted the mechanized longwall technology used to minimize underground mining losses. India’s underground output requires a quantum jump from 0.50 to 2.7 tonnes per man year.

The true size of India’s coal endowment isn’t known. Natural resources in the country are often assessed geologically, not the more appropriate techno-economically. Technical energy terms like “resources” and “reserves” have been misused in Indian appraisals.

The quality of Indian coals is lower, especially high ash and low calorific values. Indian coal does have low sulfur content, but this leads to less boiler efficiency, meaning more coal input per output unit.

India’s own met coal supply has been falling, and domestic reserves constitute just 13% of the country’s total. Many are inaccessible because they sit under communities or land reserved for farming.

Congestion persists, but India’s improvements in coal import infrastructure center on smaller and deeper ports. Imports are up after the Supreme Court ruled in August that India’s longstanding method of allocating coal mining concessions was “illegal and arbitrary.” UMPP (started in 2006) focuses specifically on coal imports because the more efficient plants being deployed need higher quality coal to achieve full load. Larger plants can obtain the economies of scale to compensate for the higher costs associated with foreign coal. India’s domestic thermal coal is currently around $10 or $20 cheaper per tonne than imports, so a bifurcated approach using imported coal with high-efficiency global technologies could establish a pathway for Indian coals. Many boilers in India are jumbo-sized because of the elevated ash content of local coal, and these units can blend higher quality imports with domestic varieties.

Source: Forbes