Koizumi calls for change in coal power policy
15 Jun 2021
Japan's Environment Minister Koizumi Shinjiro has called for a review of the country's policy of supporting coal-fired power exports under limited conditions.
The call came after the leaders of the Group of Seven agreed to end international financing of coal power generation without emissions controls this year, in their summit that closed on Sunday.
The G7 recognizes coal power generation as the biggest cause of greenhouse gas emissions.
Japan, however, last year laid out a policy of supporting exports of coal-power generation technology on condition that it is highly efficient and requested by importing countries.
Koizumi said on Tuesday that what have been allowed as exceptions would obviously not be allowed anymore, and that Japan must change its strategy in light of the G7 agreement.
He called for stepping up efforts to export infrastructure related to renewable energy and waste.
Source : https://www3.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld