Mineral production index at 136.5 in January
27 Mar 2014
March 27: The index of mineral production of the mining and quarrying sector for the month of January, 2014 stood at 136.5, according to new series (2004-05=100), said an official release from the Ministry of Mines.
The total value of mineral production (excluding atomic and minor minerals) in the country during January 2014 was at Rs 19,369 crore. The contribution of coal was the highest at Rs 6,908 crore and was followed by petroleum (crude) at Rs 5,954 crore, iron ore at Rs 2,613 crore, natural gas (utilised) at Rs 1,907 crore, limestone at Rs 406 crore and lignite at Rs 544 crore.
Production level of important minerals in January 2014 were thus: Coal 56.1 million tons (mt), lignite 4.5 mt, natural gas (utilised) 2,980 million cu. m., petroleum (crude) 3.3 mt, bauxite 2.287 mt, chromite 0.294 mt, copper concentrate 11,000 tons, gold 131 kg, iron ore 12.4 mt, lead conc. 17,000 tons, manganese ore 0.218 mt, zinc conc. 0.120 mt, apatite & phosphorite 147,000 tons, dolomite 512,000 tons, limestone 24.6 mt, magnesite 15,000 tons and diamond 2,242 carat.
In January 2014, the output of chromite increased by 46.7%, magnesite 26.6%, bauxite 22.5%, manganese ore 11.0%,iron ore 6.1%, lignite 4.5%, petroleum (crude) 3.0%, gold 0.8% and lead conc. 0.2% over January 2013.
However, during the month, production of copper conc fell by 0.3%, coal 0.7%, limestone 1.0%, natural gas (utilized) 6.0%, dolomite and zinc conc. 19.3 each, diamond 20.1% and apatite & phosphorite 32.2% over January 2013.