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NW4, NW5 to become commercially viable soon

06 Sep 2013

September 6: National Waterways 4 and National Waterways 5 are expected to soon become commercially viable, a government official said.

"The two national waterways are to be developed through the PPP model. The Inland Waterways Authority of India (IWAI) has awarded one of the two companies detailed hydrographic survey on the priority stretches of NW-4 and river portion of NW-5 to assess the latest hydro-morphological condition," the official said.

He, however, did not reveal which company has won the award.

IWAI is also developing the first three national waterways for shipping and navigation with targeted depth and width for most part of the year, aids for day and night navigation, and fixed/floating terminals at select locations for berthing and loading/unloading of vessels and intermodal connectivity at a few select locations.