APMDC Suliyari coal upcoming auction 50,000 MT for MP MSME on 4th Feb 2025 @ SBP INR 2516/- per MT

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The US coal industry — May it rest in peace

12 Mar 2014

In the history of the Industrial Revolution, no nation— whether underdeveloped, developing, or developed— has ever put its own, world-leading natural resource out of business to please the excruciating pressure of its governing bodies’ implementation agency, (EPA) and its allied, tax-exempt private ideological pressure groups.

While the current Administration is doing its bidding masterfully, it’s right on target in not only limiting CO² emissions from new plants, with a reduction from the current 1800 pounds per megawatt hour to 1100 pounds (impossible to attain), but is on the verge of introducing legislation that will severely limit, if not totally extinguish the production of coal by imposing strangulating inhibitions on the mining of the permanently dethroned King Coal.

The U.S. based “climatological purists,” who believe the emerging world powers will follow their example, will be continuing the coal extermination procedure, with the full approval if not instigation of the Environmental Protection Agency, goaded on by the Administration.

What is equally despicable in this onrush of establishing strictures to end the use of coal worldwide by erasing the production of a natural resource, which is more plentiful in the U.S. than in any other world nation, is the cowardice of such coal state Senate Democrats as Indiana’s Joe Donnelly and West Virginia’s Joe Manchin. They claim to oppose these measures, which they do verbally, but will not force Senate Majority leader Harry Reid (D-NV), who refuses to put the EPA’s coal revocation rule to a vote in the Senate, which the GOP-controlled House of Representatives would support overwhelmingly.

However, the President, who champions the eventual nullification, or at least minimization of fossil fuels (coal, oil, natural gas), would veto the Congressional revocation of this coal nullification EPA rule. But it would bring the extremist climatological purism into the public arena debate, where the ultimate implications of coal’s extermination will be made an issue. It possibly would be front and center in the mid-term elections, but certainly a major issue in the next presidential sweepstakes.

This could wake up business, industry and the American consumer, who would be forced to confront the ultimate costs (estimated at 80% increase) which they would have to bear. Germany, which is now committed to total renewable energy, is already shouldering a 50% rise in its electric bills. Even the counter propaganda of the “greens,” who will blame price surges on the utilities, will be exposed, if a more business-oriented Administration opens up this “renewable” can of worms.

The Obama Administration will respond by nullifying the fact that ethanol, wind, geothermal, solar, exist competitively only by virtue of taxpayer subsidies. And even solar panels, which are becoming increasingly profuse by government edict, are being deeply undercut by Chinese imports. That is one reason why federally tax-supported panel producers are rapidly going bankrupt. Expect these issues to be played out as the year wears on.

Source: www.mydesert.com