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An End to Coal in New England & Hint at a Transition Plan

08 Apr 2024


No Coal No Gas, a campaign launched by the Climate Disobedience Center and 350 New Hampshire, has successfully SHUT DOWN New England’s last remaining coal plant. Public pressure has also helped force the power company to make a transition plan that brings clean energy to a community that has been burdened by coal. 

350.org affiliate 350NH helps close final coal plant in their region & usher in a just transition

New Hampshire, U.S. — We could all use some positive climate news. And our friends at 350NH recently helped make some very good news possible: not only will New England be FREE of coal by 2028, but the power company says they plan to use the former coal plants as clean energy plants.

GOODBYE to coal in New England, US

A little louder for those in the back: No Coal No Gas, a campaign launched by the Climate Disobedience Center and 350 New Hampshire, has successfully SHUT DOWN New England’s last remaining coal plant. After years of pressure from direct action and lawsuits, coal company Granite Shore Power made a historic deal with the EPA to transition their coal plants to renewable energy. They are trying to claim that this was their plan all along. We’re so glad they’re (finally) on board, but this is only the result of years of strategic action from 350NH and their partners.