Baltimore coal shipments set to resume ahead of schedule - report
16 May 2024
Access for large vessels into Baltimore Harbor is improving as
salvage operations continue following the March collapse of the Francis Scott
Key Bridge, Dow Jones reported Wednesday.
Coal activities
at CSX's (CSX) Curtis Bay
Piers and the Consol Marine Terminal (NYSE:CEIX) are
expected to ramp up quickly, ahead of the end-of-month timeline that had been
announced, according to the report.
two vessels that were stranded at the piers reportedly have now sailed, and
aggressive loading schedules for both ports are expected to follow, including
five vessels at Curtis Bay and eight vessels at Consol (CEIX), all
planned to load and set sail before the end of May.
shipping companies cautioned that schedules are subject to change given the
unknowns in the salvage operations.
of the collapsed bridge was deliberately destroyed earlier this week in a controlled demolition,
clearing the way for the eventual full return of shipping through one of the
busiest U.S. sea routes.