APMDC Suliyari coal upcoming auction 50,000 MT for MP MSME on 4th Feb 2025 @ SBP INR 2516/- per MT

APMDC Suliyari coal upcoming auction 61,700 MT for Pan India Open on 12th Feb 2025 @ SBP INR 3000/- per MT

Notice regarding Demo Timings Dated 03.12.2024

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Secure Energy Supply: Northeast Railway Company strives to ensure coal supply for power plants

26 Dec 2022


As China optimizes its anti-epidemic policies, factories have started to ramp up production. Our reporter Yu Li is in Shenyang, a major manufacturing city in northeastern China and tells the story of how the city is working hard to secure energy supplies for factories. 

Railway companies are keeping a close eye on coal stocks at power plants.

LU YONGLIANG, Deputy Director, Freight Service Center, China Railway Shenyang Bureau Group Co., Ltd. "For power plants with less than 20 days of coal inventory, we have an emergency supply mechanism to ensure stable coal transportation and sufficient supply for power plants."

YU LI Shenyang, Liaoning Province "Until now, the China Railway Shenyang Bureau has delivered more than 10 million tons of thermal coal to power plants, which can support power generation for 28 days on average, five days more than last year."

CHEN QI Engineer China Energy Liaoning Electric Power Co., Ltd. "This year, the power generation capacity will exceed 2.8 billion kilowatt hour and the daily coal consumption will be about 8,000 tons. Currently, the power plant has 190,000 tons of coal in storage, which can be used for 24 days."

Chen says that the ample coal reserves are due to efficient transportation.

Currently, the locomotives are being protected against the cold to eliminate the possible impact of severe cold weather on railway equipment.